Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today, my great friends and I went comic store hopping. Its a beautiful day considering that we are in the midwest and its the middle of february. We went many places in town only to find that dice aren't cheap enough, and the ones that are, are too good to be sold to the likes of us.
A week or so ago my friend Donga came up with the idea to start playing some DnD once we move out, I thought it was an amazing idea.
Today is also wonderful because we found out that we are moving into a new apartment, you see this one has become obsolete, so we're upgrading.
Things are finally looking up in life, the boyfriend got a job, I'm getting more hours at mine, we got a new place to live, my GM got fired!!!!!!, and all in all things have just been great.
annnnyywhoooooooooooooooo ...


donga5000 said...

I did not like the video. DnD being bought today right????

pothica said...

absolutely. picking up the paycheck in a few hours..